Spina Biffida Event Photography

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The Spina Bifida Association of America held a conference for those afflicted with the disease June 26-29 at the Doubletree Hotel in Bloomington Minnesota. SBAA.org coordinated the conference along with partner Site Solutions Worldwide, based in New York state. Photography by Minneapolis corporate event photographer Justin Cox.
The Spina Bifida Association of America held a conference for those afflicted with the disease June 26-29 at the Doubletree Hotel in Bloomington Minnesota. SBAA.org coordinated the conference along with partner Site Solutions Worldwide, based in New York state. Photography by Minneapolis corporate event photographer Justin Cox.
Filename: Spina-Bifida-Association-Conference-Doubletree-Hotel-Bloomington-Minnesota-Corporate-Event-Photographer-June-26,-2016-www.jcoxphotography.com-519.jpg

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