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The Hispanic Scholarship Fund held its College 101 program, an informative symposium for the Minneapolis area Hispanic community Friday, Sept. 28 at the University of Minnesota's TCF Bank Stadium in the DQ Room. The presentations in English and Spanish focused on helping aspiring college age students and their families with the challenges, benefits, and helpful strategies of the college entrance process, college life, and more in a broad overview.
The Hispanic Scholarship Fund held its College 101 program, an informative symposium for the Minneapolis area Hispanic community Friday, Sept. 28 at the University of Minnesota's TCF Bank Stadium in the DQ Room. The presentations in English and Spanish focused on helping aspiring college age students and their families with the challenges, benefits, and helpful strategies of the college entrance process, college life, and more in a broad overview.
Filename: 062-Hispanic-Scholarship-Fund-TCF-Bank-Stadium-Minneapolis-Event-photography-September 28,

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Hispanic Scholarship Fund Minneapolis Event Photography